
A blog specifically set up to record Knitters' abbreviations, acronyms and commonly used terms. Please feel free to comment or suggest additions, etc. Also includes a list of general net speak.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Three More Photos - Frogging, WIP & Swatch

Three more photos have been submitted for the KnitSpeak competition. The first, below, is from Anne and depicts frogging.

Then we have two photos from Rachel, WIP below . . . . .

. . . . . and, on the right, Swatch. Thanks, Anne and Rachel! Don't forget that the deadline is the 31st October and then the winner of the 400g of Hip Knits silk will be decided.

Thanks also go to Beverley who has suggested some new terms (which have now been added to the list) that she picked up from a new knitting board that she's joined. These are TOAD - Trashed Object Abandoned in Disgust and NTINAMY - Not Than I Need Any More Yarn. One for the general internet speak list as well is WOMBAT - Waste Of Money, Brains And Talent!


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